The Caatinga Birding Tours was designed to be the easiest way for people to get to know the semiarid region of Northeast Brazil, home of endemics and beautiful birds. Lead by a Brazilian ornithologist and supported by local guides, you are going to have the best experience in the best lodges of this region.
The word “Caatinga” means “white forest”, in reference to the forest color in the dry season of the year, where can be found emblematic species of that habitat. However, the Caatinga domain hides precious environments, like the rainforests, some of them located almost 1.200 meters above sea level. Those places are truly oasis in the middle of semiarid, holding species from the Amazonian and Cerrado region.
Conrado et al. 2020.
The Company
Tour Guide
Andrei Arrais
Andrei Arrais was born in Antonina do Norte, near to the Chapada do Araripe (Araripe Plateau) in the state of Ceará. In the year of 2015, one year before getting his degree in Biology, he watched a lecture about the critically endangered Araripe Mankin that would change his life. Andrei felt that he must do something for helping with the conservation of that species, and started working with the NGO Aquasis, responsible for protecting the Araripe Manaking and all the birds at Chapada do Araripe.
In that period, many people and renowned companies has contacted the NGO asking for a local guide for birdwatching in the area, and there was Andrei’s initial experience guiding people from around the world. Nowadays Andrei works exclusively with environmental consultancy and leading birdwatching tours in the Caatinga domain.